Horn loves cats, and she’s absolutely contagious and flowing with animal wisdom. The author’s love stretches back to her childhood, when she had a mother who was terrified of cats, up until Zizi become the family’s first cat and one of the stories is dedicated to her.
It is Shi-Shi, however, a beautiful Himalayan cat adopted by the author when living in Japan for five years, that is the star in most stories. Shi-Shi, a friendly and pleasant tempered cat, enjoyed pulling pranks, such as peeing inside his host’s shoes. Threats proved useless, and the cat’s eccentric behavior nearly resulted in a diplomatic incident when the unruly pet decided to do his business inside the shoes of a distinguished Japanese dinner gust. Shi-Shi returned with the family to Israel. Once in Israel, he become the proud father of a pair of fetching felines who remained with the writer’s family.
More on the book:
How do cats predict a coming earthquake? Why does Shi-Shi prefer blondes? How can you cure a person with a cat? Why do most Japanese cats have no tails and do they really meiow a different language? What is the reason that the Japanese Geisha is called after the cat and so on. Keshet, 160 pages.
“Shifra Horn’s book about her love for cats is bursting with humor and animal wisdom…and most important, it’s written like a love story, as it indeed is. Goldberg Haa’retz Sefarim, May 1999 Anyone who wants to be exposed to the world of cats and get to know it through literature will enjoy Horn’s stories.
Author Yoram Kaniuk, Yediot Aharonot, May 1999:“The book is very amusing and full of grace. It is written in the traditional of the books of Gerald Durrell the zoologist and James Herriot the veterinarian.”
Adi Katz – Maa’riv May 1999
Publisher: Keshet
Year: 1998
Translated to: Italian